MercurialisWeb 3 Developper
Who I am ?

To introduce myself, my name is Pol and i'm a French developper
I've doing coding stuff since 4 Yo and i've start with developping stuff for Garry's Mod,
it's a Sandbox game where you can create everything from scratch

I'm doing Web 3 developpment since this year and I'm now lead backend dev at PowerNodes
and also FullStack dev for a lot of other DeFi projects.
I've learn everything myself so i can really adapt me to other projects or stack.
I really love to learn so if your project need some new stuff it will be a pleasure for me to help you

I've already work on Dex, NFTs collection, Rebase Token, Web3 Servicies and Nodes projects

My skills
Main skills
Familiar W/
DockerDevOps linuxMySQLPhpPythonDjango
Wallet DMs